Coatings & Linings

Corrosion Industry Implications from the U.S. Infrastructure Bill

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher, who represents the 7th District of Texas, explains what the corrosion industry can expect from the newly signed U.S. infrastructure package.

Findings Released from 2021 IMPACT Canada Study

The study’s key purpose was to foster coordination between government and industry to change the mindset about corrosion mitigation being the sole concern of materials and corrosion engineers, and those that maintain corrodible assets.

Causes of High-Temperature Sulfidation in Refineries

To mitigate problems related to high-temperature sulfidation in refineries, suitable materials must be used, along with operating equipment within a specified range. Equipment should also be inspected and replaced at designated intervals.

Three AMPP Standards Committees Launch New Projects

As the calendar turns to 2022, here’s a look at new guidelines, standards, and practices that are currently being developed by AMPP’s SC 04, SC 11, and SC 20 committees.

Final Coatings+ Awards Celebrates Industry Leaders

At the final Coatings+ event in December, leaders of the legacy SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings and NACE International organizations presented a variety of industry awards during the Coatings+ Annual Awards Luncheon.

Duplex Zinc Coatings Offer Advantages to Commercial Fishing Boats

Reviewing data from case studies shows the effectiveness of duplex zinc coatings at lessening the effects of corrosion on steel used in commercial fishing boats. These mitigating effects are evident internally and externally, and above and below the waterline.

Coatings+ Returns in 2021 for Final Year

The final year of Coatings+ features expert-led protective, marine, and industrial coatings programming, as well as technical sessions, workshops, and a trade show. Topics include surface preparation, application, coating formulation, testing, inspection, and green coatings solutions.

Duplex Zinc Coatings for Steel Bridges

In order for steel bridges to economically meet a 100-year design life, protective coatings with very long durability are needed to reduce maintenance costs. Thermal spray zinc (TSZ) duplex coatings have proven to be very durable.

AMPP, IUPAT Leadership Convenes to Renew Partnership

Staff and leaders from the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) and the International Union for Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) recently convened to renew their longstanding partnership, with a goal of increasing quality and public safety.

Benefits of Viscoelastic, Self-Healing, Fully Amorphous Coatings

Viscoelastic coatings have been successfully used over the past two decades to solve corrosion issues in various circumstances. Highly aggressive soils, such as the Subkha soil in the Gulf Coast area, require excellent performance by a coating.

Corrosion Technology Week Returns in 2021

Sponsored by AMPP’s technical coordination committee, the October 2021 event will include a series of meetings focused on methods of identifying, preventing, and combating corrosion problems across all major industries. The show was canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Identifying Pipeline Exposure via River Scour Monitoring Technology

River Scour Monitoring (RSM) systems, through the use of temperature sensing, have proven effective in detecting exposed pipe and the degree of pipeline scour. Identifying scour early on is key because once a pipeline is uncovered, it can be damaged in multiple ways. To avoid pipeline operator liability, and keep people, the environment, and related resources safe, it is important to follow applicable regulations and codes.

Interview: Corrosion Risks to Infrastructure After Wildfire Exposure

Led by Dr. Mehrooz Zamanzadeh, technical director and principal investigator at Matergenics, this roundtable discussion explores the need to conduct corrosion risk assessments of infrastructure after exposure to wildfires.

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Pipeline FBE Chalking

Correlating predictive laboratory testing with “real-world corrosion conditions” has long been an ambition of the coatings industry. In that spirit, this article addresses the well-known phenomenon of epoxy chalking and examines its effect on fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings.

Working Smarter, Not Harder with Remote Corrosion Monitoring

The availability of data via remote ultrasonic monitoring tools means greater productivity. Not only can employees monitor corrosion-rate data in almost real-time, but they can overlay this information with operational data.