Case Histories

Corrosion Effects on the Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Several myths concerning the cause of reinforced concrete deterioration prevailed in the mid-20th century, but steel corrosion is by far the biggest durability issue for reinforced concrete structures.

Gas Plant Uses Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wrap to Strengthen Concrete Columns

Pipe wrapping turned out to be a simple and low-cost method for strengthening concrete columns during the construction of a new natural gas plant in Colorado.

Localized Corrosion Failure of a Hydraulic Pipeline in a Subsea Gas Well

After 10 years of normal operation, a hydraulic circulation pipeline of a subsea gas production well failed at its bend zone due to internal localized corrosion attack. This appears to be related to crevice corrosion and pitting.

Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics Provide Corrosion Protection for Storage Tanks

A variety of industrial facilities with structures constructed of carbon steel are at risk of corrosion. An inorganic spray-on protective coating technology provides corrosion protection to metal through a chemically bonded phosphate ceramic.

The Science Behind It: Corrosion Caused Lead-Tainted Water in Flint, Michigan

Learn more about the Flint, Michigan drinking water crisis caused by corrosion in this new quarterly special feature, The Science Behind It. Read the MP article to get the basic facts, and then explore the science behind the corrosion problem, which is presented in several related CORROSION articles.

Detecting Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking through Direct Assessment

External corrosion direct assessment (ECDA), a structured process intended to assess, manage, and reduce the impact of external corrosion on pipelines, was used to detect stress corrosion cracking in a buried natural gas transmission pipeline in Pakistan.

Leaking Seawater Tanks Repaired with New, Fast-Curing Material

When a vertical seawater tank sprang a leak at a coastal hydrocarbon storage tank farm in Italy, the tight time window for repair meant that only solutions with very short cure times were an option.

Test Protocol Evaluates Concrete Repair with Sacrificial Anodes

One of the most common drivers of concrete repairs is corrosion of the concrete’s steel reinforcement, often caused by chloride ions in the environment entering the concrete and eventually reaching the embedded steel.

UAVs Capable of Inspecting Ship Tanks for Signs of Corrosion

By using UAV technology, survey times and staging costs associated with visual condition checks of remote structural components in ship tanks can be significantly reduced.

University Team Develops Faster Route to Corrosion Detection in Metals

Researchers at the University of Virginia are seeking to modify the traditional cyclic corrosion test chamber by adding ozone to the mix and greatly accelerating the process.

Researchers Use Underground Radar to Detect Post-Storm Infrastructure Damage

A new underground radar technology system developed at Louisiana Tech University is helping a local city spot damage to infrastructure that had gone undetected since Hurricane Katrina.

The Science Behind It: Localized Corrosion Failure of Type 316L Stainless Steel Drain Pipeline

Learn more about corrosion of stainless steel (SS) in this new Materials Performance quarterly special feature, “The Science Behind It.” Read the MP article about the root cause of a Type 316L SS closed drain line failure, then explore the science behind the corrosion problem, which is presented in several related CORROSION articles listed at the end of the article.

EPA Finds Moderate or Severe Corrosion in Most Underground Diesel Tanks

In a new report on corrosion inside underground storage tanks storing diesel fuel, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found moderate or severe corrosion could affect metal components inside both steel and fiberglass tank systems.

U.S. Study Finds Millions at Risk of High Lead from Corrosive Water

A new U.S. Geological Survey assessment of more than 20,000 wells nationwide showed that untreated groundwater in 25 states and the District of Columbia was classified as potentially corrosive, thus creating a high risk for lead leaching in homes.

Portable X-ray Diffraction Units Boost Efficiency of Corrosion Analysis

New x-ray diffraction technologies are enabling corrosion analysis to be carried out much more quickly and thoroughly by using a portable unit in the field.