Case Histories

Duplex Zinc Coatings Offer Advantages to Commercial Fishing Boats

Reviewing data from case studies shows the effectiveness of duplex zinc coatings at lessening the effects of corrosion on steel used in commercial fishing boats. These mitigating effects are evident internally and externally, and above and below the waterline.

Why Corrosion Inspections Are Important to Community Safety

In this newly released AMPP webcast, inspection and policy experts explore the basics of the building inspection process; strategies to ensure buildings are protected; and important resources and tools. They also respond to viewer questions.

Effects of Simulated Marine Environments on Steel in Cracked Concrete

The scientists emphasize that improving the quality of concrete used in creating marine structures can be accomplished by making it less permeable and increasing the clear cover. When these steps are taken, the time to corrosion is much longer.

Report: U.S. State Officials Need More Clarity on Bridge Corrosion

Officials from some states told the U.S. Government Accountability Office that they use sealant on bridge decks to prevent corrosion. However, officials from another said they do not, because they do not know how effective it is.

Preventing Corrosion in Seawater-Fed Heat Exchangers

When designing a heat exchanger system, engineers must consider ways to control and mitigate the many different kinds of fouling. These control plans must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for each unique environment.

Managing MIC During Hydrotesting and Wet Parking

Laboratory testing using biofilms can provide a reliable means to evaluate the potential for microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), and subsequently, to assess the effectiveness of biocides to inhibit biofilm growth and mitigate MIC during hydrotesting and wet parking.

Identifying Pipeline Exposure via River Scour Monitoring Technology

River Scour Monitoring (RSM) systems, through the use of temperature sensing, have proven effective in detecting exposed pipe and the degree of pipeline scour. Identifying scour early on is key because once a pipeline is uncovered, it can be damaged in multiple ways. To avoid pipeline operator liability, and keep people, the environment, and related resources safe, it is important to follow applicable regulations and codes.

Interview: Corrosion Risks to Infrastructure After Wildfire Exposure

Led by Dr. Mehrooz Zamanzadeh, technical director and principal investigator at Matergenics, this roundtable discussion explores the need to conduct corrosion risk assessments of infrastructure after exposure to wildfires.

USTP Crew Coats Massive Steel Water Tank

The Lafayette tank in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, is a 7.5-million-gallon reservoir for potable water. USTP was given a rather tight timeline for such a large project. Photo courtesy of Induron.

How Ultrasonic Sensors Can Enable Permanent Corrosion Monitoring

The Belenus condition sensor utilizes an ultrasonic pulse-echo to provide in-service monitoring of pipe wall thickness. It can be fitted to structures including pipes, storage tanks, and pressure vessels.

A Water Department’s Proactive Approach to Infrastructure and Reliability

When the failure occurred, Tucson Water employees were in a hurry to figure out what their next steps would be. This article details the failure, the remedial actions, and the proactive approach they've taken since.

MP Announces Winners of 2021 Corrosion Innovation Awards

Materials Performance (MP) magazine is proud to introduce a new class of winners from the 2021 MP Corrosion Innovation of the Year Awards program.

Extending the Service Life of a Historical Concrete Building

The repair was designed with a prediction of 100 years of service life extension. This was achieved with a steel coating and a concrete coating (barrier effect) that produced a similar or better protective effect than recorded during the evaluation.

Researchers Say Corrosion Contributed to Florida Sewage Spill

In this case study, investigators found that a buried log or root had likely affected the exterior coating on a ductile iron waste pipe. None of the inspections prior to the rupture, which spilled nearly 15 million gallons of untreated sewage, had caught the damage.

Modeling Helps Reduce Corrosion in Refineries

Corrosion can be a significant challenge for refiners in downstream operations, and one of the key factors in causing corrosion in crude distillation unit overheads is hydrochloric acid (HCl).