Generally speaking, galvanized steel can last for many years in nonaggressive environments, and typically does an excellent job of protecting steel when the structure is located in moderately corrosive environments where oxidizing conditions prevail.
New probe technology developed from recent academic research can conduct safety-critical testing inside galvanizing kettles holding molten zinc at 450 °C.
The measurement and interpretation of cathodic protection (CP) data in plants or other complex facilities present inherent challenges where mixed metals are electrically continuous within the protected structures’ CP system.
A strategy to provide wind turbine monopiles with a corrosion prevention system included resealing the J-tubes to prevent seawater flushing and installing a galvanic cathodic protection system inside the submerged section of the monopile.
Thermal-sprayed aluminum (TSA) coatings are applied on subsea assets to protect carbon steel (CS) from corrosion because they act as a barrier as well as provide sacrificial protection.
A novel approach is presented regarding corrosion assessment and cathodic prevention of foundations for electric transmission towers in the Persian Gulf region.
A collection of antique instruments illustrates the rich history of the East Bay Municipal Utility District’s corrosion department.
Diagram of an electrochemical (corrosion) cell. Figure reproduced from the NACE Cathodic Protection—Tester (CP1) training manual.
The North Cormorant oil and gas the platform is more than 35 years old, it still serves as a critical hub for major fields in the area. Several subsea surveys over the last several years, however, indicated a reduction in its corrosion protection via CP.
An impressed current cathodic protection system was installed and commissioned on several steel-reinforced concrete structures that support two of the Port of Brisbane’s wharves.
Once construction has commenced, several tasks are required to ensure a safe and successful pipeline installation with effective cathodic protection and mitigation of interfering current.
Cathodic protection has been a recognized technology for buried metallic pipelines, but hasn’t been widely used in the water industry.
Initial test results have shown higher corrosion resistance, increased mechanical strength, and better abrasion resistance when using epoxy resin-based coatings formulated with graphene.
Alaska is home to many distinct environments, with each presenting its own challenges when designing for corrosion control.
Iridium is a hard, brittle member of the so-called platinum group of metals in the periodic table. As an alloying element, it increases the corrosion resistance of titanium and palladium. We know that corrosion is a reaction between a material and its environment, so why not have a look at the most corrosion resistant metal in the periodic table.