Editor’s Choice

Identifying Pipeline Exposure via River Scour Monitoring Technology

River Scour Monitoring (RSM) systems, through the use of temperature sensing, have proven effective in detecting exposed pipe and the degree of pipeline scour. Identifying scour early on is key because once a pipeline is uncovered, it can be damaged in multiple ways. To avoid pipeline operator liability, and keep people, the environment, and related resources safe, it is important to follow applicable regulations and codes.

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Pipeline FBE Chalking

Correlating predictive laboratory testing with “real-world corrosion conditions” has long been an ambition of the coatings industry. In that spirit, this article addresses the well-known phenomenon of epoxy chalking and examines its effect on fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings.

AMPP Forms New Partnership for Brazil’s Nuclear Energy Sector

The partnership between AMPP and the Brazilian Association for the Development of Nuclear Activities (ABDAN) will focus on promoting corrosion control programming and quality requirements for Brazil’s nuclear energy sector.

CP Known Unknowns: The Impact of Stray Current, Tellurics

This webcast explores some of the common ”known unknowns” that can materially impact cathodic protection (CP) system performance, from both overall efficacy and regulatory reporting points of view, along with best practices to manage them.

Al-Zn-In Galvanic Anodes—Specifications vs. Manufacturing Process

Some observations about the particularity of specifying the type of furnace for the fabrication of Al-Zn-In galvanic anodes have been recently published. However, a review of existing standards indicates that none specify the manufacturing process.

U.S. Congress Targets Infrastructure Bill with Corrosion Language

U.S. regulators are making progress on a bill that emphasizes the need for corrosion planning and qualified personnel on bridge construction, replacement, and maintenance.

Webcast: CUI Considerations for Industrial Pipe Applications

This webcast provides insight into solutions for corrosion under insulation (CUI), which can be a challenge for high-temperature applications such as refineries and petrochemical facilities.

New Remote Monitoring Unit is a Global Game-Changer

The objective of the system are to revolutionize the U.S. remote monitoring industry by addressing many existing shortcomings and creating a new standard of cathodic protection RMU, which can deliver superior data more frequently and at a lower cost.

AMPP News: New and Revised Industry Standards

The latest standard practices, which are available now in the AMPP Store, were released in 2021. Topics include corrosion inhibition selection and management for oil and gas production, as well as a standard guide for the laboratory immersion corrosion testing of metals.

Webcast: Optimizing Cathodic Protection in Urban Utility Environments

This webcast explores how downstream gas distribution and water utilities are setting out on a journey to optimize their cathodic protection (CP) assets in high-consequence areas (HCAs) due to proximity to residential areas.

Solvent-Free Epoxy Coatings—A Common Universal Definition

Solvent-free epoxy coatings offer very low environmental impact, but due to the lack of a clear and universal definition of "solvent-free" epoxy coatings, we see a huge range in volatile organic compound content in such coatings. This article offers a proposal for a common universal definition.

Failure of Expansion Joint Caused by Corrosion Cracking

In this study, the explosion failure of a bellows expansion joint made of Type 304 stainless steel (UNS S30400) in a pipeline conducting methane (CH4) gas at 400 °C is analyzed.

Webcast: Modeling Corrosion Processes and Cathodic Protection Systems

Understanding the corrosion process and how to mitigate it by applying the correct protection procedure is crucial for reducing corrosion damage costs. This webcast explains how simulation is an efficient way to investigate corrosion processes and design protection systems by visualizing and understanding the impact of design changes.

Systematically Making Insulation Part of the CUI Solution

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) may hinder thermal performance and lead to leaks, unexpected downtime, and repairs, while adding risk to employees and facilities. Using a systems approach to how insulation is selected and maintained can improve facility longevity and employee safety.

CoatingsPro Magazine Names Winners of 2021 Contractor Awards

Through the annual program, CoatingsPro showcases projects and crews that demonstrate excellence in the commercial and industrial high-performance coatings sectors.