Editor’s Choice

Failure Analysis and Design Considerations: Fluid Velocity Effects

Any mechanical disturbance of the protective film can stimulate attack of the underlying metals until either the protective film is re-established, or the metal has been corroded away. Erosion-corrosion is encountered most frequently in pumps, valves, centrifuges, elbows, impellers, inlet ends of heat exchanger tubes, agitated tanks, and so forth.

Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of AA7075 After Double-Peaks Aging

The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility of 7075 aluminum alloy (AA7075) under different two-stage aging processes was studied by using the Rockwell B hardness test and slow strain rate tensile test, combined with scanning electron microscopy

AMPP Technical Exchange on Ship Biofouling—A Success Story

In this roundtable discussion, shipping industry leaders within an AMPP Technical Exchange Group (TEG532x) share success stories from their ongoing collaboration. Guests include Elisabeth Charmley, Naval Architect for one of the world's largest ship managers; Johnny Eliasson, Hull and Coatings Engineer at Chevron Shipping; and Buddy Reams, Captain USCG (retired), Chief Technical/Maritime Officer of AMPP.

Corrosion Basics: Corrosion Damage in Reinforced Concrete

The main causes of corrosion of steel in concrete are chloride attack and carbonation. Aggressive chemical species pass through the pores in the concrete and attack the steel.

Researchers Say Corrosion Contributed to Florida Sewage Spill

In this case study, investigators found that a buried log or root had likely affected the exterior coating on a ductile iron waste pipe. None of the inspections prior to the rupture, which spilled nearly 15 million gallons of untreated sewage, had caught the damage.

Interview: Bob Chalker on the 2021 Launch of AMPP

In this exclusive interview, Bob Chalker—CEO of the new corrosion and coatings nonprofit association—discusses many of the underlying motivations that led to the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP).

Improving the Durability of Packaging Materials

The packaging industry recognizes its responsibility in attaining a closed loop cycle through the use of green corrosion inhibitors. In this study, several papers impregnated with green inhibitors were investigated. During manufacturing, storage, and transport, humidity, salts, and other corrosive substances in the environment, as well as temperature fluctuations, can make metal parts more susceptible to corrosion.

A Circular Economy Approach from a Corrosion Engineer

Merging concepts like designing for purpose, maintaining with integrity, and decommissioning with a second life in mind are ideas that, if used in conjunction with adequate management tools, can help industries pursue the path of applying an effective corrosion management system.

Plans Unveiled for CORROSION 2021 Virtual Conference & Expo

The two-week event will provide a collaborative and convenient platform for corrosion and coatings industry professionals to network, learn, and develop new business.

Corrosion Basics: Stress Corrosion Cracking

As published in the January 2021 issue of Materials Performance (MP), this article explores the required elements for stress corrosion cracking to occur. Typically, these involve a susceptible alloy, the proper chemical environment, and an enduring tensile stress.

Some Aspects of Steam Condensate Corrosion

Diligent boiler feedwater treatment, involving mechanical deaeration and chemical treatment, is the primary defense against steam condensate corrosion. This article reviews further methods, including equipment design, materials selection, venting, reducing air ingress, and selecting steam traps.

Corrosion Behavior of a Novel Material—Open-Cell Aluminum Foam

The authors studied open-cell aluminum foams with different pore densities under marine conditions, with the objective of learning more about the corrosion behavior of these materials. The resulting deeper understanding is expected to lead to expanded utilization in advanced engineering applications.

Improving Fatigue Life for High-Strength Aluminum Alloys

A new study by engineers at Monash University has demonstrated improvements in the fatigue life of high strength aluminum alloys by 25 times, which the researchers believe could be significant for the transport manufacturing industry.

Evaluation of Florida Bridge Pilings

Many bridges in coastal areas are supported by precast pilings that are either continuously or periodically exposed to harsh saltwater conditions, requiring cathodic protection. These researchers studied two decommissioned pilings from the Veterans Memorial Bridge in Florida.

Bend Test of Concrete Power Poles

Concrete beams should be resistant against the influence of corrosive agents, environmental degradation, and mechanical forces. In this article, the effect of two different concrete mixing designs is investigated against the pole’s bend strength behavior.