Podcast: Revisiting Assumptions about Primers in Immersion Service

Photos courtesy of Induron Protective Coatings.

As part of a recently published white paper, experts at Induron (Birmingham, Alabama, USA) examined the expected service life of coatings for potable water linings while combining that knowledge with an interpretation of the total applied costs of these systems.

On this sponsored podcast, Induron’s William “Bill” Seawell, technical service manager, and Andy Odorzynski, national sales manager, elaborate on fair expectations for water tank primers (both zinc and epoxy); how the corrosion processes work; and the most important properties that a water tank primer should have. The complete episode can be listened to below.

Founded in 1947, Induron produces high-performance coatings to serve a wide range of industrial applications. These applications include industries such as wastewater, electrical transmission and distribution, and potable water storage and treatment.

Source: Induron Protective Coatings, www.induron.com.