Coval Technologies Awarded MCX Seal of Material Excellence

Image courtesy of Coval Technologies.

The Material ConneXion (MCX) “Seal of Material Excellence” was recently awarded to five products from Coval Technologies (Stafford, Texas, USA).

Early this year, an MCX researcher reached out to Coval to request the submission of its latest product, Ultimate Top Coat (UTC), to its materials sample library.

Coval responded by presenting Coval UTC along with Coval Concrete, Coval Metal, Coval Vinyl, and Coval Polished Concrete Sealer for review. According to the company, all of these products are thin-film, single component coatings that covalently bond to a substrate to create a new an extremely hard, durable, and waterproof surface.

For each product submission, Coval was required to complete a descriptive application of the coating and submit a dozen samples on the specific substrate indicated by the product. 

After approval, the samples were photographed, the information was uploaded and is now featured on the MCX site, It is also shown in 12 MCX in-person libraries around the world, including New York City, Milan, Copenhagen, Tokyo, and Bangkok.

Coval Technologies says it is honored to be included in this database, which is designed to inspire design ideas while providing solutions to design challenges.

About MCX

Material ConneXion, a materials library and consultancy, helps individuals and companies source materials that enhance the performance, aesthetic, and sustainability of projects. 

The online subscription service features thousands of products in “The Stacks. This includes industries such as interiors and exteriors, where Coval coatings and sealers are listed. Other industries are furniture, fashion, healthcare, and manufacturing. 

MCX also conducts regular material seminars to address new innovations and topics in the world of material science and product design.

Source: Coval Technologies,