Department of Defense Updates General Building Requirements

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) recently announced updates to United Facilities Criteria (UFC) 1-200-01, which provides the general building requirements of the DoD Building Code. These updates include new Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) requirements such as the addition of Environmental Severity Classification (ESC) and humidity design factors.

Under the new UFC guidelines, persons charged with designing and constructing DoD facilities are provided with requirements for identifying and using CPC-related materials, systems, components, and coatings. It also helps engineers and architects determine ESC factors such as material selection and design requirements for corrosion-prone locations.

The updated UFC offers detailed information on CPC design requirements for piping and system corrosion, protective coatings, buried or submerged structures or systems, and a variety of systems and components. These UFC modifications have resulted in 31 Unified Facilities Guide Specifications updates, including a revised specification list for concrete, carpentry, roofs, and other construction categories.

The new CPC requirements were developed and guided by the DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight Office and the UFC system is administered by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center. The new corrosion prevention requirements are outlined in Chapter 3-6.6, as well as Appendix B, of the UFC. The updated CPC requirements for the various CPC requirements and ESC zones can be found on the Whole Building Design Guide website.

Source: DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight Office,