The CorrDefense web site for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) (Washington, DC) Corrosion Policy and Oversight Office was recently updated with a new corrosion toolbox.
The update includes several tools designed to assist with the evaluation of environmental severity and compilation of environmental data. All of the new tools were developed following a recent departmental study regarding environmental severity and corrosivity.
The toolbox now features the ISO Corrosivity Category Estimation Tool (ICCET), which can be used to estimate categories of corrosivity.
Other features include an index tool to calculate wood decay hazards, as well as a method for users to overlay various corrosion data and severity indices through the use of interactive maps. Users can also view animated maps of monthly corrosivity.
Finally, users can obtain updated air pollution and weather information from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Silver Spring, Maryland) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Washington, DC) databases.