CoatingsPro Begins Accepting 2024 Contractor Awards Nominations

Photo of a 2023 Contractor Awards winning project, via CoatingsPro Magazine.

As of this summer, CoatingsPro Magazine’s eighth annual Contractor Awards Program is open for submissions! CoatingsPro, which takes a real-world look at the coatings industry, showcases projects and crews that demonstrate excellence in the commercial and industrial high-performance coatings sectors in this annual program.

Award winners are recognized in seven categories—Commercial Concrete, Commercial Roof, Industrial Concrete, Industrial Steel, Specialty Project, Work It Safe, and Contractor/Crew MVP. 

Winners will be formally recognized at the next AMPP Annual Conference + Expo in March 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

“It doesn't get any better than being recognized as an industry leader when judged by your peers,” says Gary Harvey, general manager at Wedge Roofing, which has been named as a CoatingsPro Contractor Awards winner for seven years running. 

“When a potential new client sees our national awards and industry accolades, it instills confidence in them of us and trust in themselves for making a great choice by selecting us,” Harvey adds. “High-quality glossy publications featuring our projects makes excellent case studies or project profiles that go out in our collateral materials given to all new clients.”

Previous Award Winners

See which coatings companies and crews have previously won CoatingsPro’s Contractor Awards Program and watch the awards presentations:

Submit a Project

Projects should be completed between October 2021 and October 2023, making for two years of eligibility. The entry form package must be delivered by the end of the day on Oct. 31, 2023.

Further details on the nominating process, including how to submit, are available at  

Judging the Awards

Award submissions will be rated by the CoatingsPro Editorial Advisory Group. 

Projects should be completed between October 2021 and October 2023, making for two years of eligibility. The entry form package must be delivered by the end of October 31, 2023. 

Award submissions will be judged by a set of criteria guidelines, such as challenges overcome on the project; any problem solving that was displayed; being safety compliant; any measurable monetary savings; and factors related to innovation, efficiency, or uniqueness.

Anyone is eligible to submit a project or crew, but the nomination must focus on one specific project from the coatings contractor’s point of view. Project pictures are required, and there is no fee to enter.

Winners’ Prizes

Winners in each category will receive:

1. An award or plaque with the company and project names.
2. A highlight in an issue of CoatingsPro Magazine as an award winner.
3. Mentions on CoatingsPro’s website and social media platforms as an award winner.
4. Recognition in the coatings industry for their outstanding work.

Ready to Get Started?

Contractors can submit their project and/or crew between now and October 31, 2023, to be eligible for an award. Fill out the nomination form online.

For more information about submitting an award or joining us at the awards ceremony, email

Editor’s note: CoatingsPro Magazine reserves the right to change the category to which a project has been submitted if the Editorial Advisory Group deems the project better suited for an alternative category.

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